Isa Issue 3: Haunt, August 2024 The quaint little town rested atop a quaint little cliff that hung over a quaint little lake, and the quaint little residents of said quaint little town often took to the quaint little lake for a quaint little swim, with the boldest of the Quaints (which was what they…

  • Garuda

    Tarini Tilve Issue 3: Haunt, August 2024 Lifting the curtain over the entrance, Raunak emerged from the hut and into the pre-dawn darkness that greeted him daily. His eyes, looking through a filter of dust, took in the slew of brown huts amongst the gray plants. A fence with barbed wires ran down the perimeter…

  • The Road

    Jovan Ang Issue 3: Haunt, August 2024 Tonight my body is drawn on the asphalt like crime-scene chalk. I inhale the whispers from the greenery rendered victim to the spilled moonlight. A while ago I devoted myself to lying down on this path—a quiet, winding road adjacent to an army camp where I can escape…

  • Hierarchy of Heaven

    Andrew Devadason Issue 3: Haunt, August 2024 I am told that power lies beneath the surface. That the open loop of the Circle Line is a sigil charging as it waits for its circuit to be completed; that the empty node where the Downtown Line curves back over itself is the point where two ley…

  • Bamboo Door

    Christian Yeo Issue 3: Haunt, August 2024 **  The fluorescent lights stabbed at Musa’s eyes. Each ceiling light was manageable, a shard of malformed white and a penumbra that seemed to peel away in intensity, dissipating at the edges. All of the lights together—one after another, overlapping rank and file—seemed instead malevolent. The long hallway reminded him…


    Andrew Kirkrose Devadason Issue 2: Vanishing, January 2024 4. I hold up my phone to take pictures the signs on the wall have told me I shouldn’t. In a long hallway, locked doors with only darkness behind glass panes that will sooner break than open. On the ones I photograph: yellow tape, torn so as…