Joy Huang
Issue 3: Haunt, August 2024
This is an ode to dreams, serialised —
dreams bad, good, very, very terrible,
so-so dreams, dreams you dream of
for a second and immediately want to
forget the next moment. Dreams that
have a part one—the flush of the
toilet, you open your eyes, then—two,
three, four, five. Part six happens the
next day when you fall asleep again.
And again. And over and over and
over again. This is not a one-shot.
This is an ode to dreams, serialised.
Sometimes your teeth just fall out...
by themselves? Sometimes someone
plucks them out. Sometimes your teeth
fall one-by-one. Sometimes in twos.
Sometimes, you try to put them back.
The worst is when they fall out half-way,
dangling, hanging on by a thread (or
ligament). The best is when they don’t
fall out. And like normal people, you
dream about flying. Why can’t you
dream about flying? Teeth-o-phile.
This is an ode to dreams, serialised.
Sometimes they are about teeth. But
occasionally you become an invincible
ninja that fights robbers in the night,
and fluctuating Forex markets in the day.
Maybe the latter part isn’t so cool, but
you enjoy it anyway. On second thought,
this might be a repercussion of studying
too much for Econs. Well, at least ninjas
are cool. Much cooler than falling teeth.
So the night can be cruel. But at least
dreams about falling teeth remind you
to stop using toothpaste for ages 8 up.
This is an ode to dreams, serialised.
Sometimes they are nightmares. But
sometimes these nightmares serve as
reminders to cherish what you still have.
Like teeth.
Joy Huang is currently an English Literature major at the National University of Singapore. Her past literary endeavours include poetry-writing, spoken word, and translation. While her preferred genre of fiction is romance, she always finds herself struggling to write happy endings. This anthology would be her second venture into publication.
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