Hot Takes

Short-Form Cultural Criticism

  • Where’s Joshua Ip Going?

    Review of ownself say ownself by Joshua Ip (Singapore: Landmark Books, 2024) by Shaik Aqeel Joshua Ip’s latest poetry collection, ownself say ownself, reads like an evolution, condensed into one collection and laid out in satisfying chronology for us.  The book is split into Old Work and New Work. The former consists of excerpts from […]

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  • Hotel: Reflections

    Hotel: Reflections

    by Yap Hao Yang / A five-hour long production, HOTEL opens with a captivating sequence of actors crisscrossing the stage with urgency, unpacking suitcases and getting dressed. The opening spectacle foretells the play’s key theme of transience, but the music is also reminiscent of the bar-bell, giving the audience a palpable sense that theatre was […]

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Have a burning opinion on a text, a work of art, or a piece of music? sploosh! is interested in soliciting and publishing short-form criticism (200-500 words) on any work of any genre, past or present.

We encourage a wide consideration of cultural texts: art film or adult film, opera or bubblegum pop, SLP-winning verse or Instagram poetry, white-cube art or graffiti.

We ask only for your piece to be based on a text, and for it to, hopefully, reveal something about the conditions of our time.

Send us your complete review at with ‘HOT TAKES’ in the subject line. Singapore-affiliated works are preferred, though all are welcome. Contributors are entitled to an honorarium of $10.